1. I HAVE to read every text, notification, mail, ping, chat, BBM, Whatsapp..et al the second it arrives… or my fingers keep itching!
2. I HAVE to reply to every text, notification, mail, ping, chat, BBM, Whatsapp.et al the second it arrives… or my mind keeps itching! (if you’re thinking..how come you never got an instant reply..maybe its time to reset that friends list of yours;)
3. A Clean house & bedroom… the moment I go home after a long hard day of work.. I want everything intact at a right angle or in perpendicular with each other!! (yeah yeah.. go ahead and sympathize with my 'poor' husband )

4. I HAVE to clean my feet every night before going to bed every night.. )did I say every night twice?? U see how important it is for me?)….. even if I come home after partying till the wee hours.. I strongly believe that clean & moisturized feet are key to beautiful dreams.. Try it!
5. Consume / utilise my shopping within a week of its purchase! Ah shopping.. happy thoughts :)
6. Re-fill groceries way before they get over.. something about knowing that I’m prepared for any catastrophe.. keeps my heart chirpy :)

7. SHOP before every vacation..even if its only a weekend getaway.. like they say.. when in Rome.. Do the Romans ;) (you know what I mean)
8. I CANNOT survive without my daily dose of Rice (better still.teamed with curd).... So.. I’m a true blue south Indian.. and take immense pride in that.. there’s something about this high-carbohydrate percentage grains of pleasure that makes me drowsy with overwhelming satisfaction… I love “Annam’

9. Match Much – be it accessories when I dress up, décor of each room of the house..or even Cutlery when I serve.. everything has to COMPLEMENT each other… they just HAVE to!
10. Formatting – OK.. maybe not on my blog.. but whatever I write as part of my profession.. from a presentation.. to a project report.. or be it a lousy email to the admin for more pens.. it just HAS to be properly formatted.. with appropriate punctuation marks.. I tend to look out for those in the mails I receive as well.. and itch to tell them about how you don’t put full stops in the middle of your sentences.. Yup.. I’m like that!
You may already know some of these things.. or it maybe newsflash to you.. but if you choose to judge me basis the above.. go right ahead.. but please don’t tell me about it.. I also OCD about never being misunderstood by anyone.. Stupid ..but true!!
Peace to all & Love to you :))