Questions...Questions..Questions...some answers..some mostly unanswered?
I have always wondered If I ever will stop seeking answers to the most inane or most frequent questions arising in our daily lives? and mostly when ur sitting Idle with absolutely NOTHING to do.. So today (after exactly an year from my last post) I decided to share some of my universal questions..that may or may-not be..but what the heck.. I want to know If I'm the only one here with these silly question marks in life?
1. Why is it that the moment u wear ur favorite shoes..a sizeable pile of keechad (muddy muck on the road)splashes in slow motion as u stare in amazement while it makes a beautiful design on ur lovely & prized possession that had burnt a hole in your pocket.. and now in ur heart?? (fingers crossed..I dont even wish it for my most bitter enemies)
2. Why do people always nonchalantly stare at your desktop/laptop screen and pretend otherwise while passing ur work-station? What do they possibly expect to find?
3. Why does the computer think its smarter than the human brain.. Its the human brain that created u.. remember????
4. Why do we need to know when people Fart, Snort, Poop, Puke, Gulped a bucket of Suckerita AND the tornado it created in their big fat tummy the next morning..the PET just learnt toilet manners or their big fat distant cousin's distant cousin just popped the question.. I mean I have forgotten the point of Social Networking.. DO u remember?? may be the name rings a bell.... NETWORKING.. was it?
5. Why are we NEVER satisfied with our jobs...restless and always wanting to jump to something new ?? (or it just me :( )
6. Why do our mothers always have to know..just by hearing our voice.. if we're upset / down / hung-over or suicidal even?
7. Why does everyone keep complaining about how they are not getting enough holidays..weekend escapades... not getting to do anything adventurous in life etc etc.. I mean..I am all for travelling and subscribing to Lonely Planet.. but the fact that WE CAN afford to take a Holiday is all I'm grateful for... our Moms and Dads have worked so hard to make us what we are and without wanting to take even a Sunday off .. I'd say THEY are the ones who deserve it more that us (for my fellow generation still in their 20's and 30's..)
8. Why are WOMEN still considered to be domestic Ants no matter how successful or busy careers they have?? Why must MEN always be pampered and respected... WTF #hate-orthodoxy!!
9. Why is it a SELFISH think if one needs their own space and DOES NOT want to talk or be in someone's company??
10. Why is it that FRIENDS are ANY DAY more reliable & Dependant than RELATIVES..related by Blood even??
11. Why is it that getting something u've always wanted in life is directly proportionate to losing excitement about it?
12. Why are Designer Bags & Shoes / Gadgets / Cars are valued more than some human relations? Taken for granted even?
13. On that note.. why are we women NEVER satisfied with the amount of shoes & bags we can possess.. I ain't no saint..but what is this insatiable need to have the latest design to have hit the stores?
14. Why do we NEVER have enough bank-balance...no matter how hard we slog our asses ..then what's even the point..why do we keep doing it??
My list ain't over yet... but u get the drift...
15. And lastly Why do we want to be PERFECT?? The perfect skin..the perfect fit body..the perfect job...perfect family...perfect LIFE..what is PERFECTION anyway?? If everything was perfect...then why do u even need to LIVE the same life everyday??
I dont think I'll ever find some answers...
But then..I'll never stop asking questions...
After all..I'm not PERFECT.. I'm only HUMAN!
Peace to all & Love to u :)
Ufffff....... too much ki kar diya hai aapne..... i like the second last question. I think the term bank balance should be changed to bank wealth or bank fortune... just for a feel good factor you know