Monday, March 2, 2015

21 Things I did the last time I was not a Mom

The last time I went on a sleep marathon. Slept for 8 hours straight. Slept in on weekends. Slept sound. Slept through the alarm. Slept through the phone ringing. Slept without checking if the room temperature was too hot or too cold or too stuffy or too airy, too dark or too bright. If I slept on the right or left side of the bed. If the night lamp was on or off while I slept. Or to simply put. The last time I SLEPT. 

The last time I did regular and daily chores using both my hands.

The last time I watched TV for more than 5 minutes without interruption. The last time I actively watched TV. 

The last time these daily sounds didn't affect me. Birds chirping, pressure cooker whistle blowing, paper rustling, clock ticking,  fan/ac on high speed, fan/ac on low speed, switching a power button on/off, heavy breathing or snoring of self or husband. To name just a few. 

The last time I shopped at leisure. Taking my own sweet time to decide what to buy. Trying dozens of clothes and not buy anything. 
Also the last time I bought anything that didn't have buttons in the front. #nursingmoms

The last time I carried a proper purse/bag. All of my stuff (read wallet and keys) have found a permanent spot in baby's diaper bag. 

The last time I absolutely had to leave home carrying insane amount of junk in my bag. That were not just wallet or keys. 

The last time I left the house without mentally calculating the hours I will be out for and therefore the number of diapers, food or change of clothes I need to carry. For baby of course. 

The last time I left the house after spending a few guiltless, self obsessed minutes in front of the mirror. 

The last time my phone storage wasn't about to burst with photos and videos every 2 days. 

The last time I thought about the availability and hygiene condition of a diaper change room before waltzing into a mall or public place.

The last time I travelled without thinking if the journey was too long or short, bumpy or smooth. Travelled alone and not come back feeling guilty for spending a few extra minutes more than what was planned, away from home. 

The last time I travelled light. Actually scratch that. I never travelled light. 

The last time I bought size: medium. #sniff 

The last time my conversation with another person didn't involve talking/complaining/gushing/crying about the baby 

The last time I didn't judge myself for taking a good or a bad decision over pointless things like buying a fabric conditioner. 

The last time I never ever thought of buying a fabric conditioner. 

The last time I cried at the hospital for myself. The last time being lax and didn't mind not treating a common cold, fever or cough almost immediately at the first sign.   And the last time I hated taking medicines.

The last time I never thought about the  colour, quantity, consistency and frequency of poop and piss.

The last time I was happy just being two. 

The last time I had a life without this little baby devil in my arms. 

#HadtoEndonanEmotionalNote #AMomAfterAll